While safety is of supreme importance 365 days a year, during the month of June we strive to draw extra attention to safety in honor of National Safety Month. This past June, we took a deep dive into the four topics the National Safety Council outlined for 2023.  

The first week of National Safety month entailed emergency preparedness. While the beginning of June brings much excitement like schools letting out for the Summer, we want to remind our team that June is also the beginning of the Atlantic Hurricane season. Having a plan in place in case a hurricane rolls into South Louisiana is crucial. Take responsibility by starting pre-season preparations which begins with a plan—such as understanding forecast information, planning out your personal evacuation procedures, communicating with family, and prepping your home. As we are committed to prioritizing safety at Turn Services, we are here to remind our team to take preemptive action to ensure protection for themselves and their loved ones. 

The second topic of National Safety Month is “slip, trips, and falls,” as they are some of the most types of injuries in the workplace, especially when working the river where we are exposed to hazards daily. This is highlighted in our safety campaign Focus on Your Feet, which encourages team members to always pay attention to their movements and to take ownership of identifying and correcting hazards in the workplace. There are such a variety of different levels, barriers, gunwales, ladders, stairs, and more that all have the potential to cause harm while working.  Regardless of the location or incident, you should always Focus on Your Feet to prevent slip, trip, and fall injuries. Some tips to prevent these injuries include using Stop work authority to address unsafe conditions, focusing on where you’re going and what you’re doing, making sure visibility is accessible, and always taking the time to focus on your feet.  

National Safety Month continued into week 3, calling attention to heat illness prevention. Both on and off the job, there are a wide range of heat related illnesses and complications that can arise such as dehydration, heat cramps or rash, and even heat stroke. It is no secret that Louisiana brings the heat during the summer months—so it is important that we all look out for ourselves and our teammates especially during these times of heightened heat and humidity.  Hydrating is always imperative, drinking plenty of water and electrolytes are necessary when working in the heat. Wearing a hat, shades, and SPF are important for protecting yourself from the sun. Listen to your body and pay attention to signs of oncoming heat related illness such as fatigue, muscle pain, cramps, dizziness, headache, or nausea. Monitor coworkers for signs of distress as well— knowing the signs of heat illness could potentially save a life.  

The last week of National Safety Month brought us to our fourth and final topic: hazard recognition. Watching out for any possible dangers or obstructions is important to our team’s safety and efficiency. Hazards include a variety of factors from incorrect safety equipment, obstructed vision, loose materials, or broken machinery. Hazards can also include physical, health, weather, chemical, etc. At Turn Services, there is no such thing as being too careful—therefore we encourage our team members to evaluate their surroundings regardless of the job or task. Remember to use Stop Work Authority and ‘if you see something, say something!’ 

While this year’s National Safety Month may have come to an end, these topics remain important as we strive to employ top notch safety precautions every day. Remember these 4 topics year-round—emergency preparedness, slips, trips and falls, heat-related illnesses, and hazard recognition. Look out for more tips and information about our safety programs and as always, stay safe!

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